the early nineties,our work started in organizing and managing fashion galleries and festivals, and was established through simple shows on a national level .With the help of our serious comittment that is wittnesed by everyone in this field, and through acquiring more experience over the years,we grew to the level that enabled us to organize big shows, ceremonies  and Fashion Galleries for both local and foreign occasions .

These events broadened our experience and were the reason for boosting our self confidence and motivating us to develop, expand and move forward in this field to establish the Three Cities (Tripolis) Company , as a revival of the civilized famous Tri-Polis, which were the minarets of the libyan Antique Civilization.


All this is for the purpose of living up to being the best in the field of managing exhibitions,ceremonies and festivals of ZAD Africa and GK companies

which have given us a lot of workable space for innovating, and pushed us ahead to achieve the goals of the Revolution of February the 17 th ,to build a new Libya, taking into consideration all experiences that we've been through that outstripped us a great deal,to which we endeavor to reach by opening the fruitful cooperation door